Thursday, December 15, 2005

Two Weeks

Fletcher is two weeks old now and he has had a world wind of activity. He met is Grandma Westphal before her passing. We thank God for this. Fletcher, the newest edition to both the Westphal and Fletcher families, has met most of his extended family during the past week. This week he is bonding with Grandma Fletcher. He is tipping the scale at 10lbs now and is quite an active baby – constantly moving around.

As new parents, this is what we have learned in two weeks:

Sleep is optional, but the wee hour feedings still make us smile…and a good nap in the car during a long drive does as well.

Newborns don’t like getting their clothes or diapers changed. Nonetheless, we try to master this…

Fletcher grunts and snorts a lot when he sleeps and sounding much like a 60 year old man that's worked hard all day. This makes us laugh (a lot) …

His bodily functions cause us to test our diaper changing skills in the most precarious situations. This is Fletcher’s chief way of testing us…

Gas induced crying spells tests our patience and when they are over, we feel accomplished…

Fletcher loves being rubbed, talked to, and held -- he gets plenty of each. I hope we aren’t spoiling him. We are building his confidence in our parenting skills or at least that’s the way we look at it. Overall, things are going well and we are enjoying being new parents.


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