Monday, December 26, 2005

Ho Ho Ho....

It was Fletcher’s first Christmas – and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Well, that’s not entirely true… Mr. Fletcher is always active and is always stirring. There was a lot going on at the Westphal household this Christmas, especially pertaining to Fletcher – the word “torment” comes to mind.

As you can see from the pictures, Fletcher had a number of special Christmas outfits – one of which, he barely fit into (baby’s first Christmas). Even though it is supposed to fit 0-3 month olds, Fletcher was busting out at the seams. Our little boy (less than 1 month old) is growing up fast.

He also got his first bath this weekend. We expected total chaos, screaming, and hissy-fitting. However, Fletcher adapted quite finely to this new “spa” treatment he received. The water was nice and warm and he was placed on top of his little water-boppy and seemed to enjoy the whole experience. This of course, was topped off by a nice bottle of warm milk --- he slept for 4 hours straight.

Libby and I did not have the time to get gifts this year – and we thank all those that thought of us and provided us something to open under the tree – we are grateful for these gifts. We owe you one.

We have survived our first month of parenthood...


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