Growth...on all fronts...
Fletcher out on an adventure with Mommy and Daddy and his new stroller.
It is bath time which Fletcher loves!
I resolved Fletcher’s clothing issue this week. I didn’t buy a lot of stuff since I don’t know how long he’ll be able to wear the stuff. When I see how big Fletcher has gotten and how he is really evolving into himself, it is so weird to think that 3 months ago I was carrying him inside me. When I see him, it seems like I was pregnant eons ago rather than 13 weeks. Boy, time flies… Chris and I spend a lot of time holding, kissing and watching every little change in Fletcher and even when he sleeps. We are savoring these days and can’t get enough of our little guy.
When we are out with Fletcher, most people think he’s 6 months old or older. When we willingly offer up that he’s 3 months old, the reaction is very consistent -- disbelief.
Fletcher finally slept for an 8hr stretch – not consistently all week, but we are getting there. The night he did sleep 8hrs, I should be have been well rested from a good night’s sleep – well I wasn’t. Like a fool, I sat in next room listening to the baby monitor “waiting” with anticipation for Fletcher to call for me in need.
Fletcher babbles a lot – we don’t know what he’s “talking” about, but he’s got a lot to say. His hand use and coordination is also improving with each day. Although not very smooth, he will reach for your hand if you put it in front of him. He’s also mastering grabbing and yanking out Mommy’s hair. When Daddy carries Fletcher on his shoulders, Fletcher has figured out that Daddy’s ears are excellent handlebars.:-) When I feed him, it is like feeding an octopus cuz his hands are always in the way now. Undoubtedly, he’s preparing to hold his own bottle.
Each day we all grow as a family...
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