Busy Week
Mommy checks her e-mail and types with one hand as Fletcher charges his batteries. Is this multi-tasking or what?
This week Fletcher has been welcoming each day and spending most of it dishing out lots of smiles and laughter which is pretty infectious to Mommy and Daddy. He has perfected the ability to get four fingers in his mouth. He has also started drooling on every thing which means teething isn’t too far off. Fletcher is very observant – intently taking in everything he sees. He especially enjoys absorbing while he spends time outside during Mommy and Daddy’s walks.
People keep telling us that Fletcher’s “baby” hair will fall out as his new hair starts to come in. Well, a hair cut may be in order before that happens because his “baby” hair continues to get longer and longer.
People keep telling us that Fletcher’s “baby” hair will fall out as his new hair starts to come in. Well, a hair cut may be in order before that happens because his “baby” hair continues to get longer and longer.
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