SuperSized @ 16 Weeks
I like this fuzzy rug.
Fletcher and I made a twilight trip to drop Daddy off at the airport as he started his journey to South Africa for business. Both Fletcher and I already miss him.
Fletcher has had a busy week with some new developments. Each morning is welcomed by hearing the little guy babbling contently in his crib in the next room – he’s going to be a talker. When Mommy reads to Fletcher, he listens intently and helps Mommy hold the book and turn the pages. If Mommy holds the book out of Fletcher’s reach where he can’t assist, he gets upset. Also, when we reach to pull Fletcher up from the sitting position, he will go into a full stand.
Fletcher had his 16 week doctor’s visit today. The visit started off by one nurse asking to hold him. I gave in. All in all, three nurses held Fletcher to admire his size, his full head of hair, his blue eyes, and the big smiles he dished out. He is turning out to be a very friendly baby who likes people.
Fletcher now weighs (drum roll, please…) 20lbs 9oz and is 29 ¾ long. He is above the 100 percentile on both fronts for his age. You see, these stats are typical for a 12 month old baby – he’s going to be a tall boy. Again, the pediatrician said he is proportionate and his growth is consistent for him.
This week we started to transition Fletcher to size 4 diapers and from the infant car seat to a rear-facing big boy’s seat since he’s outgrown both.
Our little boy is definitely growing up.
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