Monday, April 10, 2006

Babysitter Call & Baby Poo

The bibs keep getting bigger and bigger to soak up all the drool...

Daddy exploring Fletcher's toes...

Fletcher doesn't watch just any TV -- only home improvement shows for our boy.:-)

Learning the finer points of home improvement...

Fletcher is definitely in the teething phase – where drool and bibs darn each outfit.

Although not all that often, he does cry, but it must be something he does specially for us. In fact, when we were out with friends on Saturday night and Fletcher was being watched by Frances and he started to cry, she called us because in the 15 weeks she’s been watching him this was unusual to her. Of course, “that” call, was our very first about Fletcher while being out, and it freaked us out. What freaked us out even more was that Frances was not answering the phone when we called back. Well, you see, it is difficult to answer a phone you don’t know is ringing… Mommy’s got all the ringers turned off except for one phone and with her bionic hearing, she doesn’t have a problem hearing the ringing – the average ear doesn’t… After 7 very long minutes, we talked with Frances and by then the gas had passed and Fletcher was sound asleep.

Fletcher graced us with his first major oozing, blow out that caused both he and Daddy to be stripped him down and required a pre-wash bath, then a full bath and then a load of laundry. Phew… Even with the foul stench and baby poo everywhere, we all were still smiling – it must be love. We had JUST gotten home – that’s why we were smiling – thank God Fletcher waited until we got home to deliver this load instead of while we were out in streets. We wouldn’t have been ready or smiling about it!

As new parents we are experiencing new things everyday…with lots more to come – we are certain.


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5:39 AM  

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