Saturday, December 31, 2005

Looking Forward to 2006

With each week, Fletcher is getting stronger and sturdier. Although his head still bobbles, he has pretty good head control and can easily raise his head and his kicks will definitely get your attention if they hit in the right area (or wrong – depending on how you look at it). He also has a couple of new sounds that he uses to communicate with us besides crying.

Not only is Fletcher getting heavier and quickly outgrowing his clothes, when we put him in his car seat for the first time in nearly two weeks, he looked like the hulk – breaking out of a confined space – but cuter. We believe a new car seat purchase is in the near future...

Fletcher met Frances, his new sitter, this week. I am a “most of the time” mommy, but Frances will help out to give me free time to do client work, workout, do errands and catch the occasional nap (or at least I’m hoping). Well, I must admit, there is also another helping hand and that is Chris’s. He is very much hands-on with Fletcher on a daily basis and he even pulls at least one weekend twilight shift. So, I am very thankful for both Chris and Frances – definitely makes my life and transition to motherhood easier.

To our surprise, Fletcher J. Westphal received his first piece of mail – his nursery stay hospital bill (suppose we did not name him?) Anyway, this led to Fletcher’s first day “at work” (Visual Analytics). He spent most of the time gossiping around the water cooler with the ladies who were all cooing over him and his hair.:-) [just like his Daddy]. Then he was off to do a home inspection to see his new digs that are being built – it’s all about introducing his future – he loved the ladies at VAI and the sales/support team at his new home.

Tonight, we shall bid an adieu to 2005 with a 1986 bottle of Dom Perignon that Chris got on his 30th birthday. His thought was to save it until he had his first child. Well, ten years later here we are. With a back up bottle of champagne in case the the DP has turned to vinegar, we’ll toast all life’s blessings and the challenges 2005 has brought us and as a family we look forward to all that is in store for us in 2006.


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