Just About 5 Months Old
Pureed fruits and vegetables have been added to Fletcher’s diet. He didn’t know what to think about the peas when he first tasted them. His facial expression said it all and the expression brought tears of laughter to Mommy and Daddy -- day two and three were a lot better and set the tone for the green beans we introduced… So far, he’s adapted pretty well. Although a bit messy, feeding Fletcher is pretty quick business unless Daddy’s doing it and trying to throw in the flying spoon bit.
Now that our pool is open, Fletcher gets in his tummy time poolside (until he's able to roll over, that is) while Mommy steals the time to care for the pool – multitasking at its best. The tummy time is making Fletcher stronger. He is able to push himself up from his waist up now and his legs are more and more in he bent position or up in the air when he’s on his tummy.
If you are ever around Mommy and Fletcher, you will know that Mommy says “hello” to Fletcher about 50 times a day. He’s now making the “ooooo” sound – very clearly, I might add. Mommy is convinced he’s “working” on articulating his first word -- “hello” rather than dada like most babies.
Because of the teething, we are going through at least three bibs a day. We have a ton of teething rings / toys, but Fletcher will not chew on these darn things no matter how appetizing we think they should be to him. He prefers his fingers / fist, blankets, his stuffed animals or any part of Mommy’s body he can get his mouth on (usually the forearm while she changes his diaper).
Daddy, using his sophisicated weighing method, determined that Fletcher now weighs 22lbs and is 30 inches long. Believe it or not, his growth has slowed down -- finally!
As we approach five months with Fletcher, we cannot imagine our lives without him. While we love each other every much, our love for this little boy is like no other. We are enjoying every moment of bonding with him, watching him grow and develop.
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