Thursday, May 04, 2006

Give me some Sugga!

Come on now and feed me...:-)


Fletcher plays with his foot while having his morning BM.

Daddy talking about our future at new house and Fletcher ignores him and takes the opportunity to play with his feet some more.
Y...and Z

Three (1, 2, and 3) big milestones this week – 1,1,1,1,1,1) Fletcher is finally sleeping through the night – which basically means we stuff him full of cereal and formula around 8:00 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) to ensure his belly is full so he does not wake up; 1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2) he can roll over, one (1, 1, 1, 1) way for now, although it is a basic lesson in physics that a large head not at equilibrium tends to leverage the body to turn in the direction of gravity (e.g., roll over); and 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3) he started grabbing at his feet, which we believe are just another set of little hands. We are happy about these very important milestones, just like the first time he took a poop. As proud parents we coo over him and point and say: “look a big stinky”

We thought he’d never be able to grab his feet from lying flat on his back because of his rather round, pendulous, and rotund belly, but we were wrong. Magically, one morning when changing his diaper – BAMM (emphasize like cook Emeril Lagasse) there they were, the feet grasp in his hands. Mommy’s not benefiting from Fletcher’s sleeping through the night quite yet. She still thinks it is too good to be true so she continues to listen for him throughout the night. We refer to Mommy as old eagle ears – which really does not make sense, because it more correctly used in the context of “eagle eyes” but we try to adapt and “do our ting”

Fletcher has transitioned well to his fruits and vegetables. He’s been exposed to quite a repertoire of them including – peas, green beans, squash, bananas, applesauce, sweet potatoes, and carrots. He has even managed to get some in his mouth. Daddy is not as aggressive with his feeding tactics which is why Fletcher tends to get food all over his face, up his nose, and in his hair. Mommy is a no-nonsense, get the food on the plastic spoon, and push it into his mouth, kind-of-gal. Reminds me of our first date….

We are learning that Fletcher is too observant (A.K.A. nosey - for his own good). If there is any type of noise or commotion (for Fletcher it could be anything from someone talking softly to banging on a kitchen pot), he has to see what is going on which often prevents him from eating and sleeping. So, we are still learning how to deal with this when we go out since Fletcher pretty much won’t eat or sleep when he’s out and there are new people or things to see. Of course, taking him on his nightly stroll or Hummer ride, he seems to fall asleep very quickly.

Creatures of habit – it is important to us to know when Fletcher has his bowel movements. We prefer to start the day with them so that they don’t surprise us later. We think he does too –especially after reading the Washington Post and a few cups of coffee. Well, for two weeks straight now, if Fletcher hasn’t had a BM when we get him from his crib in the morning, all Mommy has to do is put him in the side-chair in the bedroom and like “magic” and a big ol’ stinky package of green stuff appears out of nowhere – just like pulling a rabbit out of a hat – you get the picture. You know, Chris NEVER liked that chair, and now I’m starting to wonder why Fletcher thinks it is a good place to take a dump


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