Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Sleeping More & Sizing Up

Mommy winding down Fletcher for the evening...

I love these spa treatments!

Daddy mastering undressing Fletcher.

Thanks, Alka for my new blanket. Is my hair really messed up?
Daddy must have just been here...

I'm enjoying the sunshine --feed me...

Fletcher is sleeping for longer stints at night which means we all are more rested and happier. We had to break down and buy Fletcher some new clothes (6-9 month) since we grew tired of stuffing him into his clothes. At this point, he's pretty much outgrown everything we had before he was born... It also looks like he won't be in these clothes for long. I guess this is what happens when you combine the genes of two "big" people -- you end up with a really big, tall boy!


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