Sunday, February 26, 2006
Our little guy is getting bigger…
Using scientific methods to get precise measurements of Fletcher, I weighed myself on a scale, with and then without the little-guy, and did some complex mathematical calculations to come up with his weight. My findings is: he is a heavy little booger. In this corner, weighing in at 19 pounds, 28 inches is Fletcher “Boom Boom” Westphal.
So, Libby tells me he has now outgrown all of his nighttime clothing – at 3 months of age, he has already exceeded the maximum capacity of the 6-9 month clothing that was passed down to him from his dear cousin Elijah Plews ( So, basically, he had nothing to wear and would have to run around “bare-assed” as my dad used to call it. Anyhow, it was Friday, and I volunteered to stop on my way home from work to pick him up some new cloths. I was instructed to try Baby Depot – and upon entering, almost had an aneurism from the stress involved with stepping through the front door of this place.
I am up on the second floor searching for the clothing – because there are literally 47 aisles of clothing that are encountered and none of it organized properly because no one at the store straightens up anything. I finally find the 9-12 month section of which there are a total of 6 pieces of clothing to choose from. Besides the red-devil Halloween costume and the Harley Davidson motorcycle outfit, I was left with limited options for restocking his nighttime clothing wardrobe. Of course, there are no bottom-snapping pants that can be found, anywhere. I try to get some help, but my Spanish is not too good and most likely asked the store clerk “can you smack my butt with a snap.” They smiled nicely at me and disappered someplace…quickly.
Anyhow, I grabbed a few outfits I thought would make-do for the interim (e.g., that is the code-word for: when Libby goes out shopping next) and made my way down to the check-out line. None of the items had any price tags on them. Well, I waited, and waited, and waited for the staff to try and find the prices. No one from the baby department responded to the calls from the check-out person. So, I left, somewhat disappointed, and somewhat relieved.
Next, I made my way over to another store – fairly close by. I walked in the store and impressed myself by making a beeline straight to the 2 half-full racks of clothing they had for infant to 24 months, circled around it twice, and promptly headed back out to my car. Strike two.
The next place I arrived (after placing a call to Libby to get a recommendation) was a Kohls store across town. It was easy to find the baby-section and the shelves were nicely stocked and well-organized. But, I still could not find the bottom-snapping pants I so desperately sought. After about 15 minutes, I found a store employee hiding in the back behind some boxes and asked where I might find them. It was then, like when the burning bush on the mountain side spake to Moses – I realized, they don’t make them. You see, 12 month old children are capable of pulling on/off regular pants – they don’t need the snaps. Who would have thought such nonsense? I must write the manufacturers of baby cloths to see if they will extend their product lines to accommodate the massive number of 3 month olds trying to fit into 12 month clothing.
So, I purchase the clothes that I figure will get Fletcher through the next week or so and when I get home, Libby promptly points out, that one of the pairs of pants I bought was for a girl. How was I to know? Certainly, no one would notice… and we could keep Fletcher indoors and hide him from any visitors if he was wearing them… But alas, they were packaged back up with the receipt to be returned another day.
Besides the fact that Fletcher is growing quickly, he is also now eating cereal in his formula. We aren’t too sure how much of a difference it makes, yet. He has also been using his hands quite a bit and has been laughing up a storm. He wakes up each morning smiling and giggling. What a way to start the day… he truly brightens up our day.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Busy Week
People keep telling us that Fletcher’s “baby” hair will fall out as his new hair starts to come in. Well, a hair cut may be in order before that happens because his “baby” hair continues to get longer and longer.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Crib fun.
Fletcher moved into larger bottles and into Size 3 diapers this week -- skipping Size 2 all together -- similar to his skipping the 3-6 month size clothes. Hopefully, his growth will stablize and slow otherwise he'll be wearing his Daddy's clothes soon. Fletcher has been logging time in our home gym supervising Mommy's workouts as she tries to get rid of the last bit of pregnancy weight. Fletcher's also been getting his own workouts with lots of tummy time with Daddy which Fletcher isn't too fond of right now...
Monday, February 06, 2006
Enough already, you two, you are embarassing me. Aunt Jeana heeeeellllllp!
Chris uses the Baby Bjorn in the house. Libby uses it in the streets -- big difference!
All is well with the new parents and Master Fletcher. Fletcher's days are activity filled -- listening to classical music, tummy time, rattle time, kicking games, and being read books -- sometimes all in the same day! Phew... Our biggest challenge yet is getting him to know he has hands and feet AND how to use them. He's definitely kicking and holding his rattle, bringing his hands to his mouth and he swats at things, but we believe all are happenstance. So, the challenge continues...
He is getting over his first cold. Amazingly, he handled it like a trooper, but we are glad he’s pretty much all better.
These days we are really starting to see more of Fletcher’s personality. He loves it when we talk to him. He responds accordingly with a squeal, grunt, coo, or a laugh and a smile. His reward is MORE kisses…We love our lil guy and couldn’t imagine our lives without him.