Monday, May 22, 2006

Just About 6 Months

The handsome men in Mommy's life.:-)

Look who can hold his own bottle. His big paws cover most of the 6oz bottle.

The bib says it all 'It all about me!'

Fun, fun, fun at Cousin Elijah's 1st birthday party!

Fletcher had his 6 month doctor’s appointment last Friday and after getting his “stats,” his pediatrician just said, “he’s off the charts.” She’s given up on putting him in any type of category or percentile and will just stay he’s not on any chart for his length and weight at this age, but his growth is consistent for him based on Mommy and Daddy’s sizes. He is now nearly 30 inches long and weighs 23 ½lbs and is fitting quit comfortably into 18 month clothing. He’s going to be a tall boy like Mommy and Daddy. His doctor said Fletcher is developmentally on track and is a very strong little boy (that was after it took her about 3 minutes to get her flowing hair out of the grips of BOTH of Fletcher’s hands).

We also welcomed Daddy back after being in London for almost a week. Daddy forewent sitting in the front seat with Mommy again and enjoyed the ride from the airport with his “new love” Fletcher while talking to me “through” the rearview mirror. Fletcher was all smiles and seemed to really know the whole family was back together.

Fletcher went to his very first birthday party. The party was for his cousin Elijah who just turned 1 year old. Fletcher didn’t know what to make of all the excitement, but he definitely enjoyed seeing his cousins, aunts, uncle and all the new people he met.

His two new teeth are coming in nicely and he likes to try them out on just about anything BUT any type of teething toy. He is learning more and more about those big hands of his and how they can work to his benefit – he grabs, scratches, claws anything and everything in sight. Although he hasn’t perfected this quite yet, he can also hold his own bottle. His aim at getting the bottle or binky in his mouth isn’t all that great right now, but we are definitely getting there.

Fletcher’s got pretty good temperament – mostly happy and smiles which is fun to see these days with those two darn teeth. He also has a pretty strong will which he “tries out” on us new parents with a few yells and some back arching when he doesn’t want to be put into his car seat or his stroller. Mommy and Daddy’s wills are stronger and we just tell him that we KNOW nothings wrong, i.e., this particular tactic isn’t working and that the car seat and stroller are but a few of the many, many, many, MANY things he’ll be doing that he doesn’t want to…

Mommy celebrated her birthday on Sunday. Last year on her birthday, she was out of her first trimester of her pregnancy and could FINALLY let the world know we were expecting Fletcher. Boy, a lot has changed in one year! My continued good health, Fletcher and Chris are the best gifts – I couldn’t ask for too much more!


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