Saturday, June 10, 2006


This past weekend, we spent it prepping Grandma Fletcher’s house for the market in preparation for when she will make our household more joyous and near complete – pending the possibility of a brother or sister for Fletcher. Mommy got to share the bed with Fletcher instead of Daddy during the visit at Grandma’s. Boy, does Fletcher do acrobatics in his sleep! It is amazing that he awakes rested… Fletcher got plenty of attention from his Aunts Annette and Jeana and his Cousins Taylor, Christian and Elijah. He loves the attention, but when it was nap time, he’d try to tune everyone out with some good ole fashion crying or whining… Then it was time for Mommy…

Fletcher’s doing all kinds of “tricks” lately – he can sit up unassisted for short periods of time and he can now roll over from any position, and he is getting up on his knees, and pushing up with this arms which means he’s strengthening those muscles for crawling. God help us!

Introduction to two words -- "brutus" which leads us to the second word "gentle." Lately, we’ve been using the word “gentle” a lot with Fletcher cuz anything he can get his hands on he goes into “attack” mode – Mommy's hair (well, any type and anybody's hair even Daddy's chest hair), a magazine, you name it. It is amazing how strong he is... He gets it earnest cuz Daddy’s nickname for Mommy is brutus cuz of her love for motorized tools and her knack to do the physical work of a man. You see, when Mommy was a little girl on the farm she perfected her use of and ability to fix motorized equipment (Ask Aunt Mary about the lawn mower we “tinkered” back to life.) and she used to tear up a lot of toys – if she couldn’t figured it out, she’d open it up. I guess she should have been an engineer instead of a marketing professional.

How did we ever live without this little boy?


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