Thursday, January 26, 2006

8 Week Stats - 15.85lbs & 26inches long

I ventured out solo with Fletcher yesterday for the first time -- scary! I realized just how heavy and cumbersome it is to carry the car seat with Fletcher in it -- just about as uncomfortable as I was at 9 months pregnant! During the outing, we went to Fletcher's 8-week doctor's appointment where Daddy managed to be in the neighborhood and "show up.":-) Fletcher got his first round of immunizations. We also got the official stats on his growth. He's now tipping the scale at 15.85lbs and is 26inches long which means he's gained 6.65lbs and grown 4.25inches in 8 weeks. The pediatrician says his size is above average (97 percentile) and his growth is consistent for him. Now we know why he's outgrown all his clothes! Since baby items are HIGHLY transitional, Fletcher has been truly benefiting from his Cousin Elijah's, who is 6 months older, clothes, shoes, and developmental items. This is a blessing for us. Someone asked us "What's your favorite baby store?" and I said, "My sister's!" My sister and I couldn't have planned it any better -- I'm the lucky one!


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