Sunday, January 22, 2006

Great Visit w/Aunt Jeana, Uncle John & Cousin Elijah

Fletcher snoozing with Cousin Elijah

Fresh air - Elijah wants Fletcher to wake up.

Aunt Jeana loving up Fletcher.

Mommy can Fletcher come out and play yet?

Uncle John feeding Fletcher

Aunt Jeana and Uncle John opened their home and arms to Fletcher while Chris and I went to The Homestead Resort & Spa -- work for Chris and some pleasure and relaxation for the new mom. It was a productive trip on both fronts, but we both missed our lil guy lots! Thanks for technology and my sister's willingness to use it cuz that's what got us through the trip -- the daily recaps and pictures she'd send of Fletcher and all the love he was getting and fun he was having...

We are thankful for a great family!


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