Saturday, December 31, 2005

Family Time...

Looking Forward to 2006

With each week, Fletcher is getting stronger and sturdier. Although his head still bobbles, he has pretty good head control and can easily raise his head and his kicks will definitely get your attention if they hit in the right area (or wrong – depending on how you look at it). He also has a couple of new sounds that he uses to communicate with us besides crying.

Not only is Fletcher getting heavier and quickly outgrowing his clothes, when we put him in his car seat for the first time in nearly two weeks, he looked like the hulk – breaking out of a confined space – but cuter. We believe a new car seat purchase is in the near future...

Fletcher met Frances, his new sitter, this week. I am a “most of the time” mommy, but Frances will help out to give me free time to do client work, workout, do errands and catch the occasional nap (or at least I’m hoping). Well, I must admit, there is also another helping hand and that is Chris’s. He is very much hands-on with Fletcher on a daily basis and he even pulls at least one weekend twilight shift. So, I am very thankful for both Chris and Frances – definitely makes my life and transition to motherhood easier.

To our surprise, Fletcher J. Westphal received his first piece of mail – his nursery stay hospital bill (suppose we did not name him?) Anyway, this led to Fletcher’s first day “at work” (Visual Analytics). He spent most of the time gossiping around the water cooler with the ladies who were all cooing over him and his hair.:-) [just like his Daddy]. Then he was off to do a home inspection to see his new digs that are being built – it’s all about introducing his future – he loved the ladies at VAI and the sales/support team at his new home.

Tonight, we shall bid an adieu to 2005 with a 1986 bottle of Dom Perignon that Chris got on his 30th birthday. His thought was to save it until he had his first child. Well, ten years later here we are. With a back up bottle of champagne in case the the DP has turned to vinegar, we’ll toast all life’s blessings and the challenges 2005 has brought us and as a family we look forward to all that is in store for us in 2006.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Ho Ho Ho....

It was Fletcher’s first Christmas – and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Well, that’s not entirely true… Mr. Fletcher is always active and is always stirring. There was a lot going on at the Westphal household this Christmas, especially pertaining to Fletcher – the word “torment” comes to mind.

As you can see from the pictures, Fletcher had a number of special Christmas outfits – one of which, he barely fit into (baby’s first Christmas). Even though it is supposed to fit 0-3 month olds, Fletcher was busting out at the seams. Our little boy (less than 1 month old) is growing up fast.

He also got his first bath this weekend. We expected total chaos, screaming, and hissy-fitting. However, Fletcher adapted quite finely to this new “spa” treatment he received. The water was nice and warm and he was placed on top of his little water-boppy and seemed to enjoy the whole experience. This of course, was topped off by a nice bottle of warm milk --- he slept for 4 hours straight.

Libby and I did not have the time to get gifts this year – and we thank all those that thought of us and provided us something to open under the tree – we are grateful for these gifts. We owe you one.

We have survived our first month of parenthood...

Friday, December 23, 2005

Three Weeks

We had an excellent week with Grandma Fletcher. We appreciate her coming to help us out and also all the offers of help we’ve gotten from family and friends.

We survived our first week solo with Fletcher and quickly learned we must seize the moments while Fletcher is sleeping to take care of things that need to get done which unfortunately doesn’t leave time for catching up on sleep. Also, drool and spit up stained clothes are a norm when you have an infant.

If you’ve ever been to our house, you know our nursery has sat empty for the past five years awaiting a baby. Well, now it has the occupant we’ve been waiting for – Fletcher. He sleeps 2-3 hour stints before waking to be fed.

Fletcher is already outgrowing his clothes and I am able to get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes. Thank goodness -- we think both are a good sign.

Our little guy is still very noisy (while sleeping and eating), animated, and is an excellent multi-tasker – he can eat and poop at the same time. Hopefully, this is something he will out grow. We have learned some new multi-tasking skills too over the past three weeks. We have learned to type on the computer, cook dinner, talk on the phone all while holding Fletcher.

Fletcher gets a least a hundred kisses a day from both me and Chris… We hope that’s enough. :-)

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Two Weeks

Fletcher is two weeks old now and he has had a world wind of activity. He met is Grandma Westphal before her passing. We thank God for this. Fletcher, the newest edition to both the Westphal and Fletcher families, has met most of his extended family during the past week. This week he is bonding with Grandma Fletcher. He is tipping the scale at 10lbs now and is quite an active baby – constantly moving around.

As new parents, this is what we have learned in two weeks:

Sleep is optional, but the wee hour feedings still make us smile…and a good nap in the car during a long drive does as well.

Newborns don’t like getting their clothes or diapers changed. Nonetheless, we try to master this…

Fletcher grunts and snorts a lot when he sleeps and sounding much like a 60 year old man that's worked hard all day. This makes us laugh (a lot) …

His bodily functions cause us to test our diaper changing skills in the most precarious situations. This is Fletcher’s chief way of testing us…

Gas induced crying spells tests our patience and when they are over, we feel accomplished…

Fletcher loves being rubbed, talked to, and held -- he gets plenty of each. I hope we aren’t spoiling him. We are building his confidence in our parenting skills or at least that’s the way we look at it. Overall, things are going well and we are enjoying being new parents.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Just as cute as can be...

Monday, December 05, 2005

Thank you

First, we would to thank everyone for your well wishes, joy, prayers, concern, and support during Libby's pregnancy. Secondly, thank you for all the "love" we have felt come our way with Fletcher's arrival. It has been emotionally overwhelming in the best of ways (especially Libby with her raging hormones). We feel very fortunate to have such caring friends, families, and professional colleagues that have made this occasion extra special for us. Thanks for your congratulations, your floral arrangements, your gift baskets, candies/cookies and most importantly, thanks for sharing the most important day in our lives the arrival of our son, Fletcher! Your being a part of this experience has made it all the more better for us.

p.s., notice the beer fridge now contains alternative beverages

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Finally home!

It was a big day, both mommy and baby came home. How many kids can say they were brought home from the hospital in a Hummer?

We got everyone settled into the basement where the recovery for the c-section will continue. We figure this is much better since the bar has a full fridge, microwave, sink, and there are plenty of amenities at her disposal.

Fletcher enjoyed looking at one of the Christmas trees we have setup downstairs. I think the lights dazzled him a little – not sure if he could focus or see the ornaments clearly at this time, but he seemed to like the lights.

Last night, Libby’s milk came in – and, for the record, papa is very impressed with their “capacity.” If they stay that size, we don’t have to get her implants ;-) Please, please, please…

There was also a big stork on our front yard announcing the birth and arrival of Fletcher. So, now all our neighbors have officially been notified. All of the heaters and gas fireplace have been running to make sure the house is nice and warm – so we have a comfy home where Fletcher can grow and get stronger.

Friday, December 02, 2005

48 Hours

Day 2 was pretty good. Fletcher was up and about early this morning for his feedings. He has some serious gas pains which makes him scream quite loud – and we do everything possible to get him comfortable. At least we know what it means, but it takes some time to get him settled back into a calm mode – hopefully we can get a technique down that will lessen the gas pains.

Libby has done extremely well; even the doctors are amazed at her quick recovery. She is also passing a lot of gas ;-) Today she was wearing a little bling, as the pictures show. Finally, the person who shared the room with her was discharged, only after snoring all night long. The nurses had to issue ear-plugs to Libby just to try and help dampen the noise this woman was making. And Libby thought I snored loudly (I do admit, this other woman outweighed me by at least 50 lbs).

Again, all the staff at the hospital has been great – and the doctors are ready to let her go tomorrow. So, sometime around 11:00, both Libby and Fletcher will be coming home. I installed the car seat carrier this evening (took an infant CPR class last night) and I think we are all ready for his big arrival. Although, I think I will miss eating the hospital food.

The "CIRCUMCISION" (a day of reckoning)

Today Fletcher got circumcised --- we think the picture says it all.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

24 hours later

Well, the first night went fine. Fletcher slept in the nursery with all the other babies. Considering over 20 babies were born on Nov 30, they had to split them up between two nursery rooms. Anyhow, he did fine – and is now eating quite well – which means he is also pooping quite well. I have now officially changed more diapers than Libby. Of course, my “technique” is a little less precise than hers – I definitely need the practice.

Libby is making a fast recovery and should be able to leave the hospital by Saturday. She is up walking around – and has started to eat solid food again. The hospital room is small and having to share it with another patient is not an ideal situation especially when practicing breast-feeding.

Fletcher has opened his eyes much more today than yesterday and we now know the basic rationalizations for some of his very loud screams --- it means “I have gas.” Did we mention he has great lungs? Fortunately, he has been very reasonable when it comes to these outbursts.

We have inquired about his circumcision – but can’t seem to find an answer. Generally they tend to come unannounced and say “its time for X.” We already found this out for his hearing tests (BTW, everything is normal). So, I guess it will happen sometime in the next 24 hours – we should start a betting pool to see who guesses closest – hmmm, what should the winner receive?

So – he is now more than 24 hours old and everything appears to be in working order. It has been a wonderful experience and each passing minute Libby and I grow closer to Fletcher and each other.