Monday, January 30, 2006

Lots of Visitors for Fletcher

Fletcher spending quality time with "Aunt" Beth and "Uncle" Scott.
Saturday morning visit from Christina, Tim and lil Dean. Fletcher couldn't visit cuz he had a cold.:-(
Fletcher Johannes meets Johan from South Africa.

Fletcher bellied up to bar with the guys.


Enough already... Leave me alone!

Fletcher loves checking out the house when Chris does the "rocket ship" with him -- sound effects and all..

More playtime with Daddy.

How long do I have to hold this thing?

Rattle time...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

8 Week Stats - 15.85lbs & 26inches long

I ventured out solo with Fletcher yesterday for the first time -- scary! I realized just how heavy and cumbersome it is to carry the car seat with Fletcher in it -- just about as uncomfortable as I was at 9 months pregnant! During the outing, we went to Fletcher's 8-week doctor's appointment where Daddy managed to be in the neighborhood and "show up.":-) Fletcher got his first round of immunizations. We also got the official stats on his growth. He's now tipping the scale at 15.85lbs and is 26inches long which means he's gained 6.65lbs and grown 4.25inches in 8 weeks. The pediatrician says his size is above average (97 percentile) and his growth is consistent for him. Now we know why he's outgrown all his clothes! Since baby items are HIGHLY transitional, Fletcher has been truly benefiting from his Cousin Elijah's, who is 6 months older, clothes, shoes, and developmental items. This is a blessing for us. Someone asked us "What's your favorite baby store?" and I said, "My sister's!" My sister and I couldn't have planned it any better -- I'm the lucky one!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Blue Eyes...for now at least...

Great pictures -- compliments of Aunt Jeana.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Great Visit w/Aunt Jeana, Uncle John & Cousin Elijah

Fletcher snoozing with Cousin Elijah

Fresh air - Elijah wants Fletcher to wake up.

Aunt Jeana loving up Fletcher.

Mommy can Fletcher come out and play yet?

Uncle John feeding Fletcher

Aunt Jeana and Uncle John opened their home and arms to Fletcher while Chris and I went to The Homestead Resort & Spa -- work for Chris and some pleasure and relaxation for the new mom. It was a productive trip on both fronts, but we both missed our lil guy lots! Thanks for technology and my sister's willingness to use it cuz that's what got us through the trip -- the daily recaps and pictures she'd send of Fletcher and all the love he was getting and fun he was having...

We are thankful for a great family!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Sleeping More & Sizing Up

Mommy winding down Fletcher for the evening...

I love these spa treatments!

Daddy mastering undressing Fletcher.

Thanks, Alka for my new blanket. Is my hair really messed up?
Daddy must have just been here...

I'm enjoying the sunshine --feed me...

Fletcher is sleeping for longer stints at night which means we all are more rested and happier. We had to break down and buy Fletcher some new clothes (6-9 month) since we grew tired of stuffing him into his clothes. At this point, he's pretty much outgrown everything we had before he was born... It also looks like he won't be in these clothes for long. I guess this is what happens when you combine the genes of two "big" people -- you end up with a really big, tall boy!

Friday, January 13, 2006

We're Surviving - 6-weeks

Chris trying out baby equipment before leaving the house.
Yes, Fletcher, Daddy's hair is getting grayer.

Nephew, Elijah, with his aunts.
Check out Elijah's site at

Daddy is teaching Fletcher data mining tricks already

Fletcher recharging his batteries...


Fletcher is (aka Jaws) is tipping the scales at 14lbs – remember muscle weighs more than fat.:-) As his vision gets better, he is able to track us and is definitely very observant. We aren’t sure if he knows he has those toddler-sized hands yet, but he definitely uses them more and his grip is very strong.

The gifts for Master Fletcher still floweth – they have come from as far away as Turkey and Argentina. People keep telling us we are going to spoil him, but to the contrary, our family, friends, and colleagues seem to be taking on that role.

In the past six weeks, we have learned:

It is imperative to try out baby equipment before heading out to use it in the streets. We believe we are fairly intelligent people, but a stroller terrorized Fletcher and sent us packing and heading back home BEFORE we used it and we didn’t even gets to take care of the errands we set out to do. We all felt defeated!

Now we are the first to arrive at a party AND the first to leave – all to preserve Fletcher’s angelic reputation.:-)

Learning Fletcher and his needs evolves each day – sometimes requiring new techniques.

A ringing phone with a crying baby will never be answered.

It is impossible to watch a movie without hitting the pause button many, many times. So, a two-hour movie may take 2.5 or 3 hours to watch.

As we care for Fletcher, we feel a love and purpose in life like none other. Hopefully, we’ll feel the exact same way when he’s sixteen.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Some more pics...